About Hochschulsport

Gebäude Zentrum für Hochschulsport Gebäude Zentrum für Hochschulsport Gebäude Zentrum für Hochschulsport

The Hochschulsport is an opportunity for all students and employees to engage in sports together, to exercise and to ensure a healthy balance to the daily routine of university. The program of Hochschulsport is organized by the Zentrum für Hochschulsport, which is located at SportCAMPUS.

What can you find at Hochschulsport?

The Zentrum für Hochschulsport organizes an extensive sports program which includes over 100 different kinds of sports and exercise. Additionally, Hochschulsport runs a state-of-the-art gym, CAMPUSFit, and a climbing gym, KletterCAMPUS. We offer over 700 courses and classes during the semester as well as during summer & winter break.

The Zentrum für Hochschulsport is primarily oriented towards amateur sports. The goal of our classes is not to make you achieve top performances or to train to the point of fatigue, but rather to have fun with your friends and new acquaintances and to introduce you to your new favorite sport. We intend to create a balance to the daily routine of academic life.
You can also get directly involved at Hochschulsport - as an instructor you may actively organize your favourite sports activity or participate in sports politics as a representative. 


As the central institution and social service provider of Leibniz University Hannover, the Department of University Sports (ZfH) is responsible for the university sports program and all university sports facilities and their equipment. The ZfH is also responsible for four other universities in Hannover and offers 44,000 students and 18,800 employees a comprehensive, varied and learning-oriented range of 100 types of sport and over 700 courses. In addition to general university sports, the ZfH also runs a fitness studio and a climbing hall.

The student representation in university sports is the „AStA-Sportreferat", which is merged with the sports departments of the cooperating universities to form the “Gemeinsames Sportreferat”. Each active sports group has the opportunity to elect a chairperson to represent the concerns of university sports course participants in the "Obleuteversammlung (OV)". The assembly thus represents the interests of the course participants. The OV decides on the budget of the sports separtment and elects the sports officers of the "Gemeinsames Sportreferat".

Another committee is the advisory council, which consists of selected members of the Leibniz University and partner universities. The council gives recommendations for areas of focus, distribution of sports facilities, the annual budget as well as memberships and cooperations with external institutions.