Accident and liability insurance
In principle, members of the cooperative universities are insured against accidents when participating in university sports. The legal basis is the Social Security Code, the responsible authority is the Landesunfallkasse Niedersachsen (LUK).
However, as the LUK reserves the right to examine individual cases, it is not possible to make any generally valid statements. Rejection must be expected in particular if
- the sports groups are not supervised by a teacher (e.g. free play groups)
- it concerns competitions (DHM / tournaments)
- Accidents occur during leisure time.
In case of refusal, the costs would have to be claimed against the private health or accident insurance. In case of an accident, the accident report must be filled out, which is available at the Hochschulsport Office or here for download.
With the exception of the statutory accident insurance for members and relatives of the cooperative universities, there is no further insurance cover. It is recommended that you take care of this yourself.
There is no insurance cover for persons not belonging to the university. Liability insurance is a prerequisite for possible participation in university sports for persons not affiliated with the university.
Please select Landesunfallkasse Niedersachsen as recipient (points 3 and 4)! Please forward the completed accident report to or hand it in at the service point of the University Sports Department. The accident report will be checked and signed by the ZfH and forwarded to Landesunfallkasse (LUK). Please do not send the accident report to the LUK yourself!
Accident report for download
Accident notification for students for download
Accident notification for employees for download
Accidents as part of the digital sports offer
Exercise in connection with live streaming via YouTube is not insured.
Sport that is practiced temporarily at home using an online service offered by the ZfH via Webex is only insured if it takes place with a trainer at a fixed time and duration. The simultaneous presence of the exercise instructor and participants during the exercise session must be guaranteed. In addition, the exercise leader must be able to see and hear the participants.
All accidents and activities directly related to the exercise are insured. As company sports take place in a private domestic environment, preparatory and follow-up activities such as changing clothes, showering or walking are not covered.
A binding assessment of insurance cover always requires a case-by-case examination.
Your contact

30167 Hannover
Fri. 10:00 - 12:00