Are you interested in our sports offers and would like to try them out? Try out our courses during the Warm-Up-Week from April 7 until April 13, 2025!
Experience the University Sports offers, which can be viewed from March 28, 2025:
- Basis- und Zusatzangebot (Basic and additional offers)
- Course programme of the FitCard
There are no costs during this period and no registration is required. EVERYONE (students, employees, guests) who is interested is welcome - just take a look and join in!
You can find the program daily from April 7 under Today's classes.
If you decide you want to continue participating, you can register for our courses on Monday, April 14, 2025 from 10:00 am.
The offers of the gym CAMPUSFit and the climbing hall KletterCAMPUS are excluded from this.
Event organiser/s
Zentrum für Hochschulsport