07 Sep
07. Sep. 2024
join-in action

FarbenSpiel CUP 2024

The Hanover sports alliance FarbenSpiel invites you to the FarbenSpiel CUP again this year. The queer-inclusive games and sports rally is organized and presented by University Sports Department, the queer sports club Leinebagger, the Lesbian and Gay Association of Lower Saxony-Bremen and the Commissioner for Sexual and Gender Diversity of the state capital Hannover.


Saturday, September 7, 2024 from 12:00 noon.


In the heart of Hanover's old town on Marktkirchenplatz (Am Markte).


Teams with a maximum of 4 players compete at various sports and game stations, where they can collect stars and win vouchers for free drinks. The ZfH will also be represented with 1-2 game stations. However, the focus on this day is not only on the sporting competition, but also on new insights into the topic of LGBTIQ* and sport. There will be musical support from a DJ who will provide the right beats.

How does it work?

The open-air event is free of charge and registration is not required in advance. Everyone is welcome to come along (spontaneously), take part and/or watch.

More information about the event and the sports alliance FarbenSpiel.

Event organiser/s

Organizer: Hochschulsport Hannover,  Queerer Sportverein Leinebagger, Lesben- und Schwulenverband Niedersachsen-Bremen und der Beauftragte für sexuelle und geschlechtliche Vielfalt der Landeshauptstadt Hannover


07. Sep. 2024
FarbenSpiel CUP. Samstag, 7.9., Marktkirchenplatz (Am Markte) FarbenSpiel CUP. Samstag, 7.9., Marktkirchenplatz (Am Markte) FarbenSpiel CUP. Samstag, 7.9., Marktkirchenplatz (Am Markte)